Tuesday, October 21, 2008

DUE FRI. NOV 7th!!!

Write an Essay on your Proposed Topic Choice
(3-5 pages, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins)

Try WRITING TRICKS for help with style and other tipsW
1. Introduction Paragraph
A. Thesis statement
B. Overview of your entire paper
C. Brief history/biography including influences on this person.

2. MAJOR IMPACT on History
A. What was the historical problem?
B. How did this person contribute to the creation or solution of this problem?
C. What caused this person to act?
D. How did he/she achieve key change? How did he/she motivate others?
E. Who else was involved, what happened, where, why, important dates
F. What talents did he/she use?
G. What effect did it have on their time?
H. What long term change happened because of their actions?

3. Explain how this person connects to NHD Theme "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies".
A. Why should we care about this person today? Are they famous? If not, why should they be?
B. What is their legacy today? In what ways can we see and feel it?
C. What larger event or movement did this person contribute to that changed history?

B. MLA Format

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