Monday, November 17, 2008

Con High 2012 Site

Please check CON HIGH 2012 for current class assignments.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History is NOW!

Dear Class of 2012,

As we study history, both recent and ancient, let us take time to celebrate and commemorate this historic moment in American history. By all accounts, voters turned out in record numbers to give Barack Obama an overwhelming mandate that the country wants, and needs, drastic change. You were a part of this historic election, in part for the Penn Cord Voting Ad that you created in our class.

For many of us, the future we have been dreaming of for so long has started to become the present. I am thrilled to know all of my children- my students and my own, will now know that this dream has become a reality. Obama's candidacy was a grassroots campaign- ordinary people working together to make extraordinary times. Through a majority of the popular vote and an overwhelming majority of the electoral vote, America has stated loud and clear that we are ready for change, and that we want a government that cares about each and every American.

I am so excited to live up to our highest ideals and goals- to make this the nation I always knew we could be. We are moving beyond hate and doubt to a place of compassion and hope. We the people did it! Our job as a nation has only just begun. We must each do our part to continue to make the world a better place. You must strive to learn and be all you can be. We must try to resolve our differences and truly, out of many, become one.

Please use today to write your thoughts and feelings, what this means to you or someone you know, or make a video about the election and post to your blog. You may email me your response if you do not want to post -
You may also post your thoughts at

Your topic essay is POSTPONED until TUESDAY November 10 to give you the weekend to finish it (however please use today to peer edit and review after writing or recording your thoughts on the election).

~Miranda Garcia-Thompson

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

DUE FRI. NOV 7th!!!

Write an Essay on your Proposed Topic Choice
(3-5 pages, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins)

Try WRITING TRICKS for help with style and other tipsW
1. Introduction Paragraph
A. Thesis statement
B. Overview of your entire paper
C. Brief history/biography including influences on this person.

2. MAJOR IMPACT on History
A. What was the historical problem?
B. How did this person contribute to the creation or solution of this problem?
C. What caused this person to act?
D. How did he/she achieve key change? How did he/she motivate others?
E. Who else was involved, what happened, where, why, important dates
F. What talents did he/she use?
G. What effect did it have on their time?
H. What long term change happened because of their actions?

3. Explain how this person connects to NHD Theme "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies".
A. Why should we care about this person today? Are they famous? If not, why should they be?
B. What is their legacy today? In what ways can we see and feel it?
C. What larger event or movement did this person contribute to that changed history?

B. MLA Format

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

3rd Annotation and INTRODUCTION

Please have your third annotation, thesis statement and paper introduction complete by TUESDAY OCTOBER 21.

This will give you the weekend to work on them if you need.

How to make an Annotation

Original Requirements for Annotations

Example Annotation (web)

Moyers, Bill. "Rachel Carlson."Bill Moyers Journal. September 21, 2007. PBS. 10/15/08.

This article gives a brief biography of Carlson's early life growing up in Pennsylvania, and how she became involved in studying and writing about wildlife and natural habitats. The article also discusses her controversial book, "Silent Spring", and how it prompted the Kennedy administration to investigate the impact of pesticide on the environment.

This article references several primary sources, including newspaper reviews and letters to the editor from 1962 when the book was published. it also provides links to several other sites about Carlson and her work for the environment, as well as the issues at stake. The author, Bill Moyers, is a journalist who has been reprting since the 1950s, and has worked for PBS and CBS. This article was helpful to my research because I found out how Carlson first got interested in the environment, and because it provides many useful links to additional research. I now have to follow up on how her book specifically affected policy and made changes, and I have to find out what is DDT and what is the debate.

Example thesis statement and introduction:
Rachel Carlson was a visionary of environmental protection. She wrote many articles and books about how chemicals were poisoning the environment. Because of her research and writing, laws have been enacted and most of the pesticides whose use she criticized have been banned. Her message carried beyond the specific problem of pesticide use, and prompted the Federal Government to take action against water and air pollution as well as against the misuse of pesticides several years before it otherwise might have moved. Today, we still debate man's affect on the environment and global warming and despite the many beneficial changes to policy that sprang from her work, Americans now apply more than twice the amount of pesticides they did before Silent Spring was published, and totals also are increasing around the world.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Timeline for Term 1 Projects

Class of 2012: These assignments are meant to keep you on track with research, reading and writing for your NHD Topic Selection Essay. Blog posts that are late will not receive full credit.

1. Topic Selection Post - DUE Mon. Sept. 22

2. First Annotation- DUE Fri. Oct. 3

3. Second Annotation - DUE Tues. Oct. 7

4. VOTING AD - DUE Thurs. Oct. 16

5. Third Annotation - DUE Fri. Oct. 17

6. Thesis Statement and Introduction - Due TUES. OCT 21

7. Fourth Annotation - DUE Friday Oct 24

8. Rough Draft DUE WED. Oct 28

9. Fifth Annotation DUE MON NOVEMBER 3


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Video Contest- Complete by Oct 16

PennCord is offering $2000 prize to the best video/ad by students on the Right to Vote.

ALL 9th graders must produce a 30-60 sec. ad using iMovie on the right to vote. You may work in groups of 1-5 students.

1. Determine what your focus will be (historical, women's, African American, current voting trends, etc)

2. Complete research on your topic, and find photos that relate to your choice.

3. SAVE and BOOKMARK all research and resources, photos, videos.

4. Write your script (Dialogue that you will say during our ad)

5. Use iMovie to record you and your group talking about the topic. Use pictures and video from the internet as it relates to your topic. You can import music from a CD to play in the background as well.

Helpf Sites to Research:

Official Contest Site

Advertising Tips and Tricks

Primary documents on the Women's Suffrage Movement

Photos and Info on Women's Fight for the Vote

Voting Rights and African Americans

History and Timeline of Elections in the USA

Voter Turnout Statistics 1998- Primary 2008

Census Data on 2000 and 2004 Elections

Monday, September 22, 2008

Annotation #1 Extended to Oct. 3

Due to the Voting Ad Project, Annotations should be completed as HOMEWORK by FRIDAY, OCT. 3. You MUST also find a second source on your topic, 2nd Annotation due TUES. OCT 7!
Create an Annotation for your topics

The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

1. Cite the book, article, web document using MLA STYLE.

2. SUMMARIZE the article you read on your topic (100-150 words)

3. ANALYZE and write a sentence or two on
a. how the article was helpful to your research,
b. whether it was a primary or secondary source, and how you know this
c. who was the intended audience, and
d. the background and authority of the author

See How to Create Annotations or Cornell Library's page or NHD's Official Guide for more information and help

Friday, September 19, 2008

Topic Selection Post

Post your NHD Topic Selection (Individual) and WHY you chose this person.

Your post should read like this:

I choose (individual) for my NHD Project because I am interested in (historical problem/time period).

This person is important to history because without their efforts, (how our life would be different if they had not existed).

For this week's research, I found an article at (web site/URL; book, magazine, newspaper, etc). I will read and summarize it for next week.

ALSO! If you don't have a final choice, I want you to post a few individuals you are considering, OR a period in history or a historical problem that you are researching. We can find the individual if you KNOW WHAT INTERESTS YOU!

REMEMBER- your final topic selection should be an individual who solved a historical problem and/or had a MAJOR impact on history.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thesis Builder & Annotations

Try using the online thesis builder to help you write your thesis statement

Read through the on-line presentation on How to Create Annotations:

WRITING Tricks Website A great list of Transition words, Adjectives, Synonyms, and other writing tips- check it out!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Links for NHD Topics & Research


Official NHD - Theme and Example Topics

Time's Man of the Year List

Time's 100 Most Influential (Leaders, Heroes, Scientists, Artists, Titans)

Ebony's 100+ Most Influential black Americans

Time's 25 Most Influential American Hispanics

National Portrait Gallery: Women of Our Time

100 Most Influential in American History

Library of Congress Collections

Most Influential People Ever

How to Create Annotations

Topics Essay Requirements

Write an Essay on your Proposed Topic Choice
(3-5 pages, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins)

1. Brief history/biography including influences on this person.

2. MAJOR IMPACT on History
A. What was the historical problem?
B. How did this person contribute to the creation or solution of this problem?
C. What caused this person to act?
D. How did he/she achieve key change? How did he/she motivate others?
E. Who else was involved, what happened, where, why, important dates
F. What talents did he/she use?
G. What effect did it have on their time?
H. What long term change happened because of their actions?

3. Explain how this person connects to NHD Theme "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies".
A. Why should we care about this person today? Are they famous? If not, why should they be?
B. What is their legacy today? In what ways can we see and feel it?
C. What larger event or movement did this person contribute to that changed history?

B. MLA Format